Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Buy it, bag it and put it on!

Happy 2012 my friends!

You're probably asking yourself why i'd post about a new pair of skinny jeans on a blog about food.  Well that's a fair question but the answer IS food!
(Disclaimer, in most cases I would tell you the answer is USUALLY new clothing)!!

If you're looking for ways to cook healthy this winter season with quick dinners and lunch options, I have found a solution.  If you know me at all CLEARLY this will contain low carb/low fat ideas to your everyday Menu.

Buy it, Bag it...and PUT IT ON!!!!

#1 Buy it:  
Steak, Chicken or pork...maybe all 3!
After church on Sunday....go to your grocery store and stock up.
Whether it's steak, hamburgers, roast, chops or breasts....stock up and freeze your portions appropriately.  Keep out enough meat for Sunday dinner, monday's lunch and Monday's dinner and Tuesday's Lunch.

#2 Bag it:
Buy a variety of marinades and Salad dressings (many dressings are also a low carb solution for marinade and actually my preference).  Purchase a pack of Gallon size ziplocs...and bag it!  If you chose to marinade steaks for Sunday's dinner and Chicken for Monday...get two bags, chose two marinades and get baggin!  Marinading meat "mixes up" the same old same old with new flavors and keeps the "healthy diet" a bit more enjoyable.
***Be aware, MANY marinades such as Terriyaki and Hawaiian are very high in sugars/carbs.  Read your labels my friends.

#3 Put it on: (even if you have to shovel a path....)
Head to your grill...and Grill your meats for the next few days. (broil if you head to the grill and realize your tank is empty).
I generally grill "generous" portions.  6-8 breasts and 4-6 steaks or chops to get me thru a few days of dinners and lunches for 2 people.

***You must always be thinking ahead. Throughout the week make sure you're thawing the meat you'll need to cook that next day but remember to pull out and thaw ENOUGH meat to grill for a few days worth of lunches and dinners.

Grocery Shopping
***"rules of thumb" if you're like me and only go to the store once a week.
-buy enough salad/fresh veggies to accompany your meat that will stay "fresh" at least 2-4 days ....
-have frozen or canned veggies for the end of the week (likely the fresh will not be so fresh anymore).

Breakfasts:  eggs of ANY kind, turkey links (
I have a fabulous egg bake recipe with fresh veggies and sausage or ham, let me know if you're interested...makes enough to have a portion the entire week!

Lunches:  Meat and a veggie.
Be gentle on yourself and keep it simple.  Throw in your meat (already in bite size pieces) and your choice of veggie whether its frozen, canned, or fresh leftover from the night before. (Remember friends..you can eat as MUCH of the "good food" you need to not feel hungry...bring plenty to be sure that candy machine does not see your reflection!)

Dinners:....Mix it up!
Salads...with your grilled meats and cheeses, slivered almonds, black olives, tomatoes, artichoke...whatever your heart desires  (no chips or salad add on's higher in carbs) with your Salad dressing options (keep a variety on stock).

Grilled meat with fresh veggies....Our favorite is sauteed asparagus in olive oil salt and pepper with a splash of terriyaki or low sodium soy sauce.  Other ideas...steamed cauliflower with melted cheese, steamed broccoli or green beans.  (Carrots, Corn and peas are very high in carbs and not recommended).

Nuts, Deli Meats, Cheeses of any kind, cutup raw veggies with ranch dip (do not purchase actual veggie dips usually carb loaded stay with your "hidden valley ranch" dressing.  Higher fat is ok here, low carb is key. (ps.  moderation with cheese consumption is good idea unless you consume lots of fiber...for a healthy, well...you know).

Does "meat and veggie" Get old?  Sure it does!!!  Just remember friends...when you chose to splurge don't ruin the hard work you've put in to eating healthy! SAY NO to french fries and Pizza.  Say yes to the wheat bun you're eating with your hamburger.  

Happy Grilling, eating and dishwashing!

Monday, October 17, 2011

1 + 1 = ZERO!!

Truth be told friends, I'm not a fan of complicated math BUT I can add...seriously!

After reading my first blog you may be asking yourself, how in the world could you possibly keep making "normal meals" sticking to the rule book for healthy eating.  The answer lies within "1+1=ZERO".

Here's a fact:  If you consume 5 grams carbs, but the food you're eating contains 3 grams fiber...you're actually only "processing" 2 grams carbs.  The fiber cancels out the carbs!  So the key to eating something a bit higher in carbs, would be to "cancel it out" by eating high fiber.

Fruits for instance, are very high in sugar.  All very satisfying with some nutritional value, but if your goal is weight loss...there are quite a few fruits that may surprise you.  Here are the list of fruits to stay away from...they are the highest carb and lowest fiber fruits (listed from worst to "best"):

Tangerines - Cherries - Grapes - Mangos - Bananas - Oranges - Pineapple - Pears - Melons

Ok friends.. here's the GOOD news!  There are fruits that have lower sugars and higher fiber:
BERRIES!!!  Strawberry, blueberry, raspberry....if it's a berry, you're good to go.  (sidenote...do NOT add this berry to yogurt if you are in weight loss mode...yogurt is very high in sugar and will counter any effort to remain carb counscious).

Now that you know what's ok for breakfast or snack...Here's a meal that is Tasty, filling and warm for the tummy!  Introducing...the carb friendly version of VEGETABLE BEEF SOUP!  Remember what i said about fiber...the more you consume the more weight you will lose.  Keep that in mind when you're choosing your vegetables (featured in the next blog).

2 lbs round steak (Preferably grilled for flavor before adding to the soup) and diced into 1 inch cubes.
2 tbsn Olive oil
1 bag (produce area) or 1/2 lb Fresh green beans cut into 2 inch pieces.
4 celery stalks diced
1 large onion diced
1 garlic clove crushed
3-4 cups water (preference on how much broth you prefer)
1 16oz can diced tomatoes (fire roasted or garlic) I've used 2 cans...either way works.

1/4-1/2 Head cabbage chopped
Frozen box or bag of spinach
LOTS of pepper to taste
Sea Salt to taste

Saute the green beans, celery, onion and garlic for 10 minutes.  Add the water and stir in beef, cabbage, spinach and tomatoes.  Bring to a boil, then cover and down to a low/medium simmer for 1.5 hours.  I use a dutch oven which seems to shave off some of the "simmer" time.
Sidenote:  The pepper adds a TON of flavor to this soup...

This was  the VERY first southbeach diet recipe I made 6 years ago and i've been making it ever since.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I do (as a matter of fact I made it yesterday and will be having it for lunch today!).

Happy cooking, eating and dishwashing!

Monday, September 26, 2011


 “You are what you eat” may be true after allJ

Step 1 to preparing a healthy meal, is to get a grasp on the foods that are good for you and those foods that must never EVER enter your shopping cart (unless of course it’s the free chocolate chip cookie, courtesy of Cub Foods…resting in the hands of your child). 

Here are the Guidelines for Healthy “buying” for weight loss and weight maintenance:

-- Think Low Carb, NOT Low Calorie
-- “Low Fat” labels are RARELY the best choice
--  Good Fat, Burns Fat….so eat fat!
--  Sugar alternatives can keep you from losing weight.

1) Our body burns Carbohydrates before it starts burning fat
If your daily menu is a constant mix of Bread, Pasta, Potatoes and baked goods…you are likely not losing any weight (potentially gaining) and you’re STARVING by 3pm (Glycemic Index..to be continued on another blog)  With much smaller portions of carb the body gets to the “burning fat” process within your 24 hour eat cycle and…tada!!!! 

2) “Low Fat” foods replace the Fat with sugars (carbs).
Low fat salad dressings, sauces and mixes are generally Jam packed with sugars/carbs.  You may as well enjoy a candy bar for the amount of sugar you just poured onto your “healthy salad”.  Just remember…It’s only as healthy as the food you put on it! 

3) Good Fat Speeds up the fat burning process.
 Apple a day keeping the Doctor away?  Prove it!   Avocado, green veggies, nuts, olive oil, low fat meats, berries, eggs with yolk, beans, whole grains (NOT whole wheat!  A slice of bread turns into bad carbs like a bag of potato chips) and butter are all foods that your body needs to keep burning fat.  Protein and Fiber keep you feeling full longer, without "crashing" and feeling hungry shortly after eating a plate of pasta.  Your body doesn't have to work as hard to process these foods. (speaking of processed, ok save that for another blog.)

4) Artificial Sweeteners Give you the "free pass" to consume more of something you shouldn't have in the first place.
It's better for your body to consume what you wish WITH sugar and control how much you eat than to have the false sense of "good for you" using artificial sweeteners eating MORE of it and increasing your caloric intake as well.   Your body (LIVER) works very hard to process the artificial sweeteners.  Rule of thumb, chose sugar/eat less!

The recipes I will be sharing will strictly follow these 4 guidelines and help you create delicious meals that allow you to enjoy what you’re eating and give you the motivation to put back the big hallway mirror you took down after the holidays last yearJ  

Happy Cooking, eating and dishwashing!